I've wanted to try this for a while now. How do you think it turned out?!? I think it turned out fanatastic! Love it. Going to be using this process again to make more of these! It was actually pretty easy with some basic tools. Still need to polish it up and make it shine, but you get the idea! What other parts should I custom form out of aluminum? Kinda toying with the idea of building custom fenders, but I don't have an english wheel anymore. Links to the engine parts I ended up ordering! Top End- https://amzn.to/3AukLfo Points, condenser, and spark plug kit- https://ebay.us/9Ecz4o Rings- https://ebay.us/jSND6M Complete Gasket and Seal set- https://ebay.us/BFfRvJ Carburetor- https://ebay.us/UNN26M Generic bolt kit- https://ebay.us/JJlRGi Engine bolt kit- https://ebay.us/rVMsx3 Check out my new shirts!!! https://www.teepublic.com/user/rusty-phoenix-motors MORE on the Z50! Unwrapping the present- https://youtu.be/nF7fGDoRguY First project from the new ...
It's FINALLY happening. The bike is FINALLY being put together for the last time! My son took it for his "first ride"- as a strider bike. Seems like it's going to fit him well! How do YOU think it's turning out? I'm *LOVING* the colors and how it's all coming together! Enjoy the show! I squashed 4 hours worth of work down into 11 minutes! Here's a link to one of the most handy tools you will ever use on projects like this- an Impact Driver. https://amzn.to/3T5kKpN And links to the engine parts I ended up ordering! Top End- https://amzn.to/3AukLfo Points, condenser, and spark plug kit- https://ebay.us/9Ecz4o Rings- https://ebay.us/jSND6M Complete Gasket and Seal set- https://ebay.us/BFfRvJ Carburetor- https://ebay.us/UNN26M Generic bolt kit- https://ebay.us/JJlRGi Engine bolt kit- https://ebay.us/rVMsx3 Check out my new shirts!!! https://www.teepublic.com/user/rusty-phoenix-motors MORE on the Z50! Unwrapping the present- ht...
So quite a while ago my brother told me his neighbor had an old bike stuffed in the back of a barn. I managed to sneak a peak at it at one point, but wasn't sure I wanted to pick it up. It festered in the back of my mind for a whole year. They were in and out of town, our paths just never seemed to be able to cross, until... FINALLY... I was able to go back and make a deal! Hauled it home on the hitch carrier, and after a few basic checks, gave it the old boot. What do you think? Not bad for a barn find!? Check out my new shirts!!! https://www.teepublic.com/user/rusty-phoenix-motors Connect with me here! https://www.youtube.com/c/RustyPhoenixMotors https://www.facebook.com/rustyphoenixmotors https://www.instagram.com/dorkpunch_rustyphoenixmotors/?hl=en https://www.instructables.com/member/Rusty%20Phoenix%20Motors/ https://rusytphoenixmotors.blogspot.com/
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